it's been absolute eons since i last posted.
seriously man, cobwebs are hanging from every corner of my blog. i wonder if anyone even bothers to click on my link anymore..... =)
what to do?
life as a teacher is filled with deadlines 24/7....lesson plans, admin stuff, meetings, courses.... doesn't help that i'm super involved in my other committees too.... especially the Chaplaincy Team...... i left Legion, but God gave me another outlet to serve Him in........ it's a good and bad thing.... people are recognizing my talent/skill/gift in planning spiritual events.... which is good for my career....bad coz.... it only means more work when i've yet to settle in as a NEW teacher!!!
time is sooooooo tight these days.....and blogging is but something that's totally at the back of my mind. i do still need an outlet to rant and rave....but right now, i guess my main outlet is my mind...... coz i don't have time to sit and compose all of my thoughts. time with Faith and Darling is far more precious these days, and i just want to spend every minute that i have with her....
she's already 1..... =)
such a little precious one...... she brings SOOOOOOOO much endless joy to my life every day.... every single day she grows and changes...... seriously, I don't know what i've done to deserve an angel like her.... of course, i do still scold her.... =) but like Darling always says, it's soooo hard to get angry with her when she flashes you the cheekiest smile ever!
one day, she messed up ALL of her clothes and diapers on her changing table, and when my mum asked "Who did that?", Faith looked at my mum, then pointed to her Tigger......... she's already learnt to shift the blame!!!!! =D
she's almost able to walk, she insisted on standing and walking from room to room instead of crawling! =) but of course, there are moments when she falls flat onto her bum.. but she'll always look to us to check for our expression before she cries... she's a hardy one.... =D
she bops and hums to her favourite tv programme, Yo Gabba Gabba.... she LOVES all the songs from the show.... and she shows her happiness and recognition of the songs by clapping her hands to her thighs in rhythm! =)
4 teeth have grown in total, and she's still showing a love for adult food, and a incessant appetite...
these days, when we put her to bed, she'll give us our little squashybabies, and bolsters, as if to make sure that Daddy and Mummy each have something to hug as well! And when she awakens, she gives us the MOST beautiful smile ever.....
so much i can/want to say about her....but..... no words can describe my joy and love for her.... so much so that i can't imagine loving another person as much as i love her......... the love i have for Darling and Faith are 2 totally different types of love.... and it's hard... so hard to imagine ever having to love another as much as I love either of them....
but i shan't think about that....i shall just cherish every moment i have with my little sunshine right now.....